The Face® F-Number School: An Intensive 2-Day Course

You’ll learn how F-Numbers work and how to lay out and measure floors in accordance with ACI and ASTM requirements.

Students get hands-on experience in collecting and analyzing data from a floor.

In addition, there’s instruction on interpreting results and producing reports.

Along the way, you’ll pick up many helpful tips normally gained only after years of experience. These include understanding the design details as well as the placement and finishing techniques that result in flatter and more level floors. You’ll also learn how to identify areas in need of correction.

Also included are lessons on how to operate and maintain the Dipstick and how to run its basic and advanced software packages.

Graduates, who must pass a final exam, receive frameable and pocket diplomas and become Certified Dipstick Technicians.

Watch this Video to Learn More About the Face F-Number School

(scroll to the bottom of this page to see the schools held
in Association with Concrete Floors Asia, during 2014, 2015, & 2016)

2020 North American F-Number / Dipstick® Certification Schools

1) February 12 & 13, 2020 – Stony Point, NY

2) February 27 & 28, 2020 – Houston, TX

3) March 17 & 18, 2020 – Norfolk, VA*

4) April 7 & 8, 2020 – Phoenix, AZ

5) May 12 & 13, 2020 – Norfolk, VA*

6) June 9 & 10, 2020 – Nashville, TN

7) July 7 & 8, 2020 – Norfolk, VA*

8) August 11 & 12, 2020 – Chicago, IL

9) September 22 & 23, 2020 – Norfolk, VA*

10) October 6 & 7, 2020 – Las Vegas, NV

11) November 10 & 11, 2020 – Orlando, FL

12) December 8 & 9, 2020 – Norfolk, VA*

* Norfolk Seminars Offer $150 Savings on Tuition

Course Fee:

The full registration fee of $795 (U.S. Dollars) per attendee ($645 for Norfolk schools).

The fee is payable in advance and includes the cost of the school, operators’ manuals, DipFloor™, DipFloor™ Data Collection, and 1155 Floor Layout Helper™ software CD, handout materials, as well as lunch and mid-morning and afternoon breaks.

Tax Deduction:

Treasury regulation 1.162-5 Coughlin vs. Commissioner 203F2d307 states that certain education-related expenses including registration fees, travel, meals and lodging are tax-deductible, if incurred to maintain or improve professional skills.

Hotel Accommodations:

A limited number of rooms are reserved at the F-Number School locations. Contact us for the name of the hotel for the school you wish to attend. For preferred treatment and special rates, please mention you are attending a Face F-Number / Dipstick School. (We get good rates.)


50% refunds up to 2 weeks before the course. Because we must plan and schedule school facilities and equipment in advance, no refunds will be made after 2 weeks before the course starts. If you cancel and receive no refund, you may attend one of the next three scheduled schools at no charge.

Course Schedule:

On the first day, the course will begin at 8:00 AM and will run until 6:00 PM (including lunch). There will be a Mandatory Practical Exercise of Dipstick Data Collection at the school site in the late afternoon of the first day. These Data Collection sessions are done in two-person teams and will last approximately 2-3 hours. Because of this, you should plan to stay at the hotel or nearby. The second day of the course will run from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. This is an intensive course covering many subjects in considerable detail in two days. You should plan accordingly.

You Should Bring:

If your company owns a Dipstick, you should bring it to the school. If you have access to a laptop PC, you should bring it, also. This will enable you to process and analyze the data collected on the Dipstick. Each student must have a pocket calculator. Companies sending more than two students should send multiple Dipsticks.

Call us for details 757.624.2121.


Past International F-Number/Dipstick® Certification Schools & Concrete Floors Asia Seminars

December 2016 – Yangon, Myanmar

December 2016 – Cebu, Philippines

August 2016 – Seoul, South Korea

November 2015 – Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

July 2015 – Sydney, Australia

June 2014 – Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Additional classes were held in coordination with Somero Enterprises, Inc.,
in Guangzhou, China in July 2014.

Guangzhou Students with Face® Vice President of Engineering Jeff Rogers

Contact us for detailed information on International Schools & Seminars.